First Timer Coral!


Cindy I was asking "JarsofMayo" is that's the coral he was wondering about :)

And it's not MY FAULT! I could quit if I wanted to :)

LOVE the FTS!!

JOM Xenia has some slight variations but most are similar in color to that pic. There is a slightly more exotic "Blue" Xenia but even it is just a TONE of the one pictured. It gives great texture and movement to most any tank. Just be warned... it's the dandelion of the Reef Tank. In most tanks it needs to be "Dealt with" as to not over run the tank. Most people cut it, mount it and sell it for CASH or CREDIT at the LFS :)
So what you are telling me is it will grow and cover everything if not watched.....I had the same thing in my live this really green looking bubble thing and every 3 or 4 days I have to pick them off there, even though I am not real sure what they are :) LOL


Well-Known Member
........and some people, like ME, can't keep xenia alive. It just kind of melts away in my tank.

Zoas did that to me, too, for awhile, but now they do fine for me.

And those green bubble things would probably be valonia (bubble algae). Don't break those bubbles as that's what spreads it! Take a picture and post it for an ID.
but if you leave them....will they multiply as well.>>>>>>> I will get a pic tonight along with some other ones so I can send them to the guys here in the lab for further review :)


Active Member
Hey Guy's sorry to pop in again but my kenya tree is a xenia????sorry but I am easily confuzzed:fishy:


This one looks like Xenia to me . . .



Active Member
AL, I googled it and it looks like a xenia to me also GEE wonder how that happened see theres always something new cause yesterday it was a tree to me. it comes off white in the picture but its really a coral pink color.Thanks for clearing that up AL :colorful: now I wonder is my donut really a donut hmm
if I am miss naming something please let me know..:dunce:


Active Member
Thanks Barb, ya know its funny a couple months ago I got my 1st coral it was a green star polyp and it had all these beautiful green pearls all over it and it wasn't there when we were at the store so I figured wow I got the prettiest freebee hangin on to my green star soo excited had to get this beautiful strand of emrald pearls ID well it was bubble algae :dunno: but it was the nicest algae I ever had..:LOL:


Well-Known Member
It IS beautiful. It comes in RED, too! :D I know some people who keep a little bit of it just because of its beauty. Handle very carefully! lol


From what I've read, you can use glue to cover the bubble algae and take it off without popping it. correct me if I'm wrong.

I turn off all my flow in my tank and cover any bubble with Aiptaisia-X. After about 20 minutes, I turn the flow back on and that's it. After a day or two, the bubble will turn white (it's dead and no photosynthesis is occurring) and after a week or two, it will decompose and disappear.

This way, you don't risk popping it and spreading the "seeds" since they die, too.


Theres a tab at the top called Live Coral Frags.
You can sign up there and see what everyone has to offer.
Also, in the forums section there is a livestock for sell or trade section that has people that are trying to move coral/fish etc...
Hope that helps.