First coral

Hi guys

Have just got my first coral which is an exina. I am getting conflicting info on where to place to little chap. Can anyone help me?



Your question needs more info (for any coral). Xenia are very hardy and adaptable, so put them where YOU like them the most. Just not too much flow.

However, if you ask this question again, let people know what size tank you have, what you use for flow, and most important...what your lights are. This will help us give you good advice. :)

Also, congrats on your first coral. Some people here hate on Xenia, but I love them. They are fun to watch and give you a good indication of your tanks health. (if they stop pulsing, find out why right away. Just note they take a pulsing break in the afternoon usually.) When Xenia get too big, just prune them like you would a shrub.

Enjoy your new coral! :)


Xenia is a good way to tell if your tank is healthy. If it does not pulse and is not growing like a weed.. like sprouting a new stalk every few days.. Then you should take a look at your perams.

If it grows like crazy then you will be doing a lot of "gardening" and could trade them if you can attach them to plugs.

Good luck!