Drum Roll Please....SeaCrop ready for business!!


RS Sponsor
Hello everyone,

I am so pleased to announce that our new website is ready for business! We'll be doing a little fine tuning over the next couple of weeks, but everything is working properly and we're ready to start taking orders again. Your feedback on the site is definitely encouraged! So if you have any suggestions, please let me know.

One of the major improvements is the shipping calcuation. Before, we had flat rate shipping based on the number of frags. Some pieces were worth more than 1 frag, and you had to physically keep track of all of it yourself to determine what your shipping costs would be. No more! Each item now has a "weight". This weight will correlate to the flat rate shipping charges. As you fill your cart, the total weight you've ordered will appear at the top of the screen and your shipping total and box/ice/heat pack charges will all be calculated when you checkout. Easy!

In addition to our brand new look, there are some other things you need to check out:
1. TONS of new WYSIWYG!! I've been collecting some truly stunning pieces over the past couple of weeks since the site has been down. I know they'll go fast, so quit thinking about that gorgeous piece and order it already!
2. Lots of new Macroalgaes. Some are aquacultured in our greenhouse and some are imports. Great for refugiums and decoration.
3. New Item!! Spaghetti Worms aquacultured in our greenhouse! These are excellent and unusual detritovores that will reproduce readily in your tank. You can find them in the Clean Up Critter section.
4. To celebrate our new site, this week's secret special can be found by typing hooray into the search box.

Hope you are as pleased with the new site as I am!
