Does Kent AB include iodine?


Hi, all! As part of my CUC/Invert crew I purchased a pair of Coral Banded Shrimp and four Peppermint shrimp.

I have decided to dose with Kent AB for nanos (I have a JBJ 28g LED w/ kit skimmer) and my question is this: does anybody know if Kent AB has enough iodine in it to be suitable for shrimp? Or will I need to add extra iodine for molting, and if so how much and how often?


Well-Known Member
Nope, mine molts about every 3rd week or so, never added iodine, other than with new water mix. I leave the molt in the tank and let nature do it's thing.


Well-Known Member
If you had an entire tank full of cleaner shrimp you might need supplemental iodine but you'll be fine with regular water changes. Unless things have changed, an article I read a while ago said that most commercial salt mixes already contain many many times the amount of trace elements found in ocean water