Do optical sensors work in the dark?


Well-Known Member
What kind of sensor are you trying to use, and what are you trying to do with it?

There are different types out there, used for different applications.


I'm rigging up my ATO bucket to autofill when it gets low, verses just keeping RO/DI unit on a float valve, constantly kicking on and off, so as to save on my DI resin, and help prevent TDS creep. In theory.

How much different are the optical sensors? Generally?


Well-Known Member
I have an ATO optical sensor & it works in the dark, but I really don't know the technical side of how it works. It wasn't a DIY project, instead I bought a Tunze ato. Sorry, I'm useless here. Hopefully DaveK can provide more on it.


Optical sensors sense a difference in light that is a change in light most can be set to see dark or light but it is the change between the too that the sensors are looking for. The better the sensor the smaller and faster the change can be and still be detected.

My phone.


Sorry the answer is no a standard optical sensor will not work in the dark. How ever there are a few that supply their own light they are very specialized and very expensive.

My phone.