Do I have to use an air stone with chemi clean

I'm doing the chemi clean treatment for my red slime or Cyanobacteria and it says I have to use an air stone in the tank to I really have to please help


What else do you have in your tank? I think it's a GREAT idea to use an airstone during and following the treatment but it will increase Salt Creep so keep this in mind.


Active Member
I would highly recommend using air stone. Be very careful using that stuff. Follow the directions. The water change after is very important. I almost lost everything because I didn't start the water change soon enough. All of my fish were very stressed.
Since then I was able to get water parameters in check and haven't needed to use it again.
Good luck.


Social Media Moderator
I also used Chemiclean with an airstone. HIGHLY recommended. And +1 to what david42 said about the follow up water change. Be EXACT with the amounts recommended for your volume of water. My fish were fine throughout the experience - didn't see any weird behavior, lack of eating, etc. It worked!