Di Resin


New Member
Hi all , Few questions about di resin

Is the di-resin used by window cleaners the same stuff we use for our ro ?

I have a feeling it is but i just wanna make sure before buying a few ltr`s.
as i noticed a few window cleaning sellers on ebay do good deals.

Also would i be right in thinking virgin resin is better than regenerated?
as in will it last longer before the need to change.

cheers lee


Well-Known Member
To me it seems to be the same thing, but I can't be sure. It sure looks like 1 bag would refill a standard cartridge many times.

I'm not sure I'd trust it though. There could be stuff in it that's ok for window washing water, but not ok for a reef system.


New Member
Hi Dave , yea thats what i was thinking , I see a few sellers have window cleaning/aquariums written in the descriptions. But i realy don`t want to take any gambles on this.