Crocea Clam emergency!

ok I dont think its it though
it has never even gone near it
My clam hasnt opened fully since i got it and it was opened at the store
I dont understand it frustrates me!!
Shawn :(


Well-Known Member
Sometimes croceas just act weird for the first week or so that they're in a new tank. As long as the mantle is extending a little, and its reflexes are still intact (i.e. it shrinks back from time to time), then it should still be okay.

The reflexes you're seeing aren't caused by water flow, but in fact a reaction to a shadow falling over the clam's mantle (like a fish swimming overhead). This is their standard reaction, and it's a good sign.

If it stays this way for an extended period of time (like a week), then I'd start to get worried... chances are it's just a bit stressed out from the change, and on top of that you keep changing things hoping that will 'fix' the problem (which actually compounds it). I think if you keep things stable for a few days, it'll stop being timid and will (hopefully), start acting normal.

Keep us posted. :)


The Wand Geek was here. ;)
:( Check its bottom for pyramid snails. They are parasitic and should be removed. Here is a pic of 3 on an astrea snail...



Well-Known Member
keep an eye on that angel... it's crazy how different my fish behave when i'm watching them from the other room than when i'm moving around near the tank. just because you don't see it, doesn't meant it's happening.

also, at any time, that angel can decide to go clam buffet on you. just because it's not happening now, doesn't mean it won't :)

glad it opened up well!