Coral Beauty pale head

I just acquired a mature Coral Beauty from a friend. After drip acclimating him for 2 hrs I introduced him into the 55 gal and shut the lights off for the rest of the night. It took him 2 days but he is now swimming among the live rock and has started eating. He has beautiful coloration however his head is an ashen black-gray color. Does anyone know what this is? Will try to get a pick soon.

Amm 0
Nit 0
Nitrates 10
Temp 80
Sal 1.027


Well-Known Member
Drip acclimation is not particularly good for marine fishes. You might want to read about the preferred method here:

How long was the fish bagged for, between your friend's and the acclimation process start?

Are you sure the fish didn't have this before you acquired it?

I'd like to know more about your system -- list all the inhabitants and their size. List the equipment you use, making sure to list the mechanical, biological, and chemical filters you use. Do you use a skimmer? a refugium? a sump?

For now, I'll stop there until we can see the fish. A photo is needed.

