cool discovery in sump


Active Member
Hi all,
While I have not had a lot of time lately to be on this site becuase of work and the great stomach virus that is wreaking havoc in my house, I thought I would share this. I was checking out my sump today and I found (that I could see) about 25-50 baby shrimp scurring around the bottom. Lately I have found loads of amphipods and other bug like things hanging in there. Then I saw these super fast guys. I was looking through a magnifying (10X) and saw them. They are all different sizes. I throw some food down in the sump every other day to make sure that small brittle stars and bristle worms have enough to eat and these guys go crazy when they see the food. A few weeks ago, I had taken out the extra shelels that my hermits changed from and threw them in the sump in case something was living in them. All of the little critters love to go in them. I almost like watching my sump as much as my tank! Have a great night!:)


Active Member
Thanks Tom, not me or my husband but both of my kids have/had it. But the tank is definately cool!!


Active Member
Hi shark32! Hope the family is feeling better very soon! Sump watching, or in our case fuge watching, happens just as much around our house as checking out the display does. Those little guys are very cool. Keep us up to speed on how they do! Nice video!!


Active Member
Thanks guys. I have no idea where they came from, unless they came in my cheato. But I was watching a couple of empty shells in the DT and they are up there too. Which would explain why my scooter dragonet hangs around those shells.
Thanks Uslanja, I hope everyone is fine for next week!