Compatibility ?


Hi Everyone, Over the last five years my school of Chromis has dwindled to one. I want to add another school or group of "colorful" small fish to my 140 reef. I'm thinking of yellow tail blue damsels "Chrysiptera parasema". I know that most Damsels are absolute terrors but have heard good things about this particular species playing well with others.

Any experience you have with them would be appreciated!

Other tank mates would be: Regal Tang, Yellow Tang, Flame Angel, Six line Wrasse, Royal Gramma and a mated pair of Osellaris.


Well-Known Member
The other fish should be able to take care of themselves. I think the regal would be the biggest concern but that depends largely on the size of the fish. They are amazingly good at hiding which will help as well.


i would say it depends on how many damsels you want to get , if you get alot then they might bully you smaller fish probably royal gramma.just whatch and see thats your best bet.


What about a cardinalfish? They are kinda neat. Easy to take care of. Im pretty sure they are ok with your stock...