Clowns resting


Usually upside down it the weirdest place possible :)

They usually get nice & close together and the wiggling slows right down at night.. mine stay underneath the overflow @ night.


Well-Known Member
Try to rent the coral reefs episode of Blue Planet, it's really interesting. They usually sleep under a rock or in a cave on their side flush to the bottom of the rock. They do this to avoid nocturnal reef predators.
mine rest under rocks on there sides even during the day you will deff. notice it when there resting they dont move and at night they stay there not even a flinch but as long as there happy im happy. ( just wish they would start laying eggs already) lol


Active Member
mine host a powerhead at night, clowns have that name for a reason, stuff they do should not surprise you at


Thanks Marine.. Another question do you ever notice clowns nipping each other i just witnessed my larger clown nip then bit the smallers fin and not let go till i tapped the tank.:cry1:


Its a dominance thing, how long have they been together? mine did that for a while at the start, they can also do what looks like a kind of spasm which may freak you out the first time you see it! But its just clowns being clowns :)


This is actually the 2nd day in my tank they are farmed raised juvenille clowns.

24g aquapod 2 red leg crabs 2 juvenille clowns live sand/live rock


I also have a few little stalks growing on the live rock which have a 1/4 inch stalk and abour ten tantacles brownish/clear anyone know what they are i will post pics soon as wife brings my camera.


My clowns never rest....just keep swimming, just keep swimming...I swear they are singing that song in their head! I've had them for about 6 weeks and have never seen them lie down as described.


Active Member
My clowns never rest....just keep swimming, just keep swimming...I swear they are singing that song in their head! I've had them for about 6 weeks and have never seen them lie down as described.

mine either, they stay right next to that powerhead and fight the current all night, it makes NO sense to me how they are still alive, but whatever i suppose :lol:


I have 3 clowns. They all swim upside down in the left front corner of our tank. I guess they like the flow there or something!! They are so funny, they all line up in that corner and swim there till morning. They have done this since we got them!
My False percs just flow back and forth vertically facing down at night next to the overflow. If that makes sense. I really wondered the same thing....How do they get any sleep like that?!? but guess they do, they are much more active during the day....


Well-Known Member
My Clarkii sleep in their nem. I have never watched the maroon. Now I am curious. I'll have to go look tonight. :)


My two clowns curl up in the corner of the tank and make a bed down in the sand. In the morning when I turn the lights on they wake up and shake the sand off and start swimming. While they were in the QT the big one was very mean to the small one but not since they are in the main tank.


My clown lays on the sand in the front corner of the tank and sleeps all night. Sometimes he moves the sand around to make a little hole To sleep in LOL


get a peppermint shrimp.. They love the stuff. I had alot of it and got 2 shrimp and the next day it was ALL gone.