Clownfish Spawning Questions Any Advice Appreciated?????


New Member
I have a piece of tile in the tank for my Black & White Misbar Occ Clowns to lay their eggs on. They are roughly a year now. My female goes down by the tile and flips her tail around and throws sand and has made kind of a divit in the sand right in front of the tile. She also opens her mouth very wide on occasion and then shakes rapidly. I have noticed the male doing this as well. I have witnessed bouth of them shaking rapidly, but mostly the male. They also have been cleaning the tile off sometimes with their mouths and stomachs on occasion. This isn't something that occurs all the time though. Is this a pre-spawning act? They are the only ones in the tank other than a Pearly Jaw that never leaves his hole. I intend on buying the Clownfishes book, but haven't been able to bring myself to purchase a new one for the price, I'm cheap. (lol) If anyone has one laying around, I'd be glad to take it off your hands for a reasonable price. I have had a BTA in there since they were added, but they do not get in it, they'd rather host the skimmer pump. I have been leaving the lights on though for about 14 hours a day and have increased their feedings. If anyone has any thoughts I would greatly appreciate it. I want to raise the babies and have everything set up, just waiting for them to lay the eggs. Is there anything you can do to help out the process, or to help them spawn? Any help is appreciated. Thanks, J


Hi Thercwizard, looks like your clowns are showing pre-spawning behavior. Clowns usually start picking at tiles and clean them when they're getting ready to lay eggs. you might get a spawn soon! A year old seems pretty young though but u mite see somes eggs in a few months or sooner! doing a water change, increase feedings, flooding the tank with NHBBS has worked for me. Hang in there, im sure they'll spawn for you soon. Clownfishes by Joyce Wilkerson is definetly a must get book. it is packed with so much info, definetly worth the investment. anyways good luck!



New Member
Thanks for replying. My clowns are about 18 months old now. Do you raise clowns? I did invest in the Clownfishes book (aka the clownfish bible) worth every penny. Should I be concerned about the male? He appears to be breeding pretty hard and not eating a whole lot, but he is staying right next to the females side. Thanks for the info and anyone else that had any is appreciated. Thanks, J


that is actually the next step in breeding. the male will eat less and the female will eat more and almost double the size of the male. i would increase the feedings to 3 or 4x a day and keep the lighting on a strict schedule. they need a routine to feel safe.