Clown fish eggs???


Okay, so I have had these tomato clowns for a while now and I pretty sure they laid eggs. Now what? I am worried they will be eaten by the reefs inhabitants. I have a 70 gal refuge/ATS that has nothing but loads of plants, rocks and some sponges, and literally thousands of bugs. Will this be a suitable nursery for them or should I leave them alone. If I do move them should I move the parents as well? Some one who has done this successfully please help.



Well-Known Member
You could contact member "woodstock" Doni is a clownfish breeder. I'm sure they could send you in the right direction for some good lit. to read on the subject.


New Member
Clownfish have a very acute sense of time. Clownfish eggs will hatch about 7-10 days after they are laid, depending on the water temperature. Each day you should check the eggs.