Caulerpa taxifolia!!!!

I am watching this show on the Science Channel about Caulerpa taxifolia and how the aquarium industry brought it to populate in the ocean! It is super interesting!

Any thoughts?

redsea reefer

Well-Known Member
I was watching that yesterday. Its very invasive, they said urchins would rather die than to eat that stuff. I don't like it either.


I don't really buy the whole "aquarium industry" I think its way more likely ballast water from cargo ships. But yeah that stuff is really nasty in the ocean.
I don't really buy the whole "aquarium industry" I think its way more likely ballast water from cargo ships. But yeah that stuff is really nasty in the ocean.

Actually, on the show they proved through DNA that "beyond a reasonable doubt," the original strain came from the aquarium industry. A scientist who was studying the algae dumped there "water change" waste water in to the sewer, which led to the mediterrenan ocean and bam, just like that it began colonizing. Then cargo ships and boats and whatnot began spreading it throughout the world's oceans.

Amazingly, the strain mutated some and when it came to the pacific is able to thrive in colder waters, like off the california coast and up to San Fransico. As it was originally a tropical species that was mandated by the temperature of the water.


I DVR'd the show, it cut off when they were talking about adding the slugs, did they add them? I was wondering how the combatted the stuff.
I DVR'd the show, it cut off when they were talking about adding the slugs, did they add them? I was wondering how the combatted the stuff.

It was pretty much over after they added the slugs. However, they said that was the only living creature that would eat the Algae. It apparently has morphed in to a strain that contains something like 10x the amount of toxins that normal taxifolia contains. The slugs have some type of enzyme or something that can neutralize the toxin. They had a disclaimer however, that said that they are not sure what the slugs impact will be on the oceans, as far as overpopulating them or whatnot.


Thanks Wakeskater! I guess we'll have to be on a look out for the next show on how to get rid of the sluggs!