Can You Have Too Much Calcium In A Tank?


New Member
I tested the calcium in my 75G 3 times last week and each time it took about 30 drops to get to the test color. That was about 2X the amount it should have taken. Will this be detrimental to my tank or corals in any way?


Well-Known Member
Yes it's possible to have too much calcium. If you have too much calcium then your Alk is going to be way off as these two need to be balanced.

What are ALL your water parameter readings?


Well-Known Member
Luke7e, better check that Alk I bet with calcium that high it's you alk level will be very low. Check all parms and let us know.


Well-Known Member
What brand of test are you using?
The brand I use 30 drops give me a Calcium level of 450 mg/l which is right on target


Wannabe Guru
If it's very high it could cause a "snowstorm" cause a sudden precipitation of carbonates where the alk crashes.

Anthony Calfo:

It is instigated by the influx of a large or rapid amount of calcium entering the system that spikes the pH immediately surrounding carbonate molecules and causes a crystalline precipitation (fallout)


New Member
PH seems pretty good....8.1
I am using Aquarium Pharm Calcium test drops...
No Fallout..


Wannabe Guru
I would double check that test kit. if you can bring a water sample to the LFS to see if in fact it's that high. Have you measured the alkalinity ?


Well-Known Member
So what level of Calcium does the Aquarium Pharm Calcium test instuctions say 30 drops is?

I use SeaTest and you multiply the number of drops by 15 to get the calcium level in mg/l. 30 drops x 15 = 450mg/l

Getting your water tested by LFS to confirm your test is a good idea


Active Member
I try to only but test kits w/ cotrols so I can double check if i'm suspicios of the results. I'm not sure if this will work but try doing your test w/ distilled or deionized water and see I you come up w/ a 0 reading.


The Wand Geek was here. ;)
I use that same test kit (AP drop) for calcium with great results (I test it side by side with salifert)

WOW... 26 drops is 520 ppm ca!! What salt are you using? What is the printed date on the regeants? (See this thread for AP Expiration Date Info)

I would suspect your alk is VERY low. Be careful when you begin to buffer and do not overdose the alk or you will have a snow storm (calcium precipitation event).

I suspect you are in "Zone #4" and should follow the instructions found at Solving Calcium and Alkalinity Problems.



New Member
Something is definitely messed up...I just tested my emergency/water change trash can which is just water and Reef Crystal (Red Sea) and it tokk 30 drop from that well (the test kit only goes to 13 drops) I will have to find a fish place that tests in this area to get real results....


Well-Known Member
sounds like the test is whacked,,,take it with you to the LFS and test it side by side with theirs....and if need be,,,drop it in their garbage can~