california ray not eating

ok i have a ray i just got and they told me to feed him squid...the first time i fed him he gobbled it right up in a matter of amazing experience......but now the second and third time he goes right for it in my hand and grabs it but trys to eat it and eventually just leaves it alone.....what do you think could be wrong???


Well-Known Member
I know nothing about rays but I would try another meaty food. Perhaps he is just sick of squid? You can also try soaking the food in garlic. That often produces a feeding response in fish.


Active Member
ok i have a ray i just got and they told me to feed him squid...the first time i fed him he gobbled it right up in a matter of amazing experience......but now the second and third time he goes right for it in my hand and grabs it but trys to eat it and eventually just leaves it alone.....what do you think could be wrong???

What size tank is this?
What are the parameters?
Other tank mates?
What type of substrate, if sand what grain size?

Feed a varied diet consisting of large chunks of meaty foods. These foods include krill, raw table shrimp, squid, clam and mussel. With time, Rays will usually learn to eat larger sinking pellet foods.***
he is kinda small right now in a 125 gallon tank with a couple tangs, a butterfly, a clown, a puffer, and a dwarf angel but NONE of the other fish even look at him so i know they arent bothering him and then i have very fine live sand which could not hurt him at all


Well-Known Member
Scientific NameUrobatis halleri Reef CompatibleNo Care LevelExpert-only DispositionPeaceful Min. Tank Size125 gallons Mature Size23 inches DietCarnivore RangeMexico, Eastern Pacific Size Class16

Little guy? They get to be almost 2 feet.


Well-Known Member
What type of habitat are you providing it. IMO a reef tank is not the proper tank for these guys...