Byssus thread...


My crocea appears to have detached or "let go" of it's byssus thread. I tried to grab the clam and see the underside, but it still felt attached to the rock, But I can clearly see part of the thread not attached to the clam... I have not noticed any large predators in the tank, and the clam has been in there since Oct. There is new growth on the shell and the mantle looks great, and it is opened as normal, but there is a chunk of "flesh" under is byssal opening. Anyone have any thoughts/ theories? No water parameters have changed, and the last livestock added was a small blue digitata frag... and a citron goby. that's all that's been added in the past 4 months....Any thoughts??? Maybe Barry knows? I will attach a picture tonight If nobody understands what I am talking about.

Barry N.

Some times they will shed their own byssal :) As long as he is retracting well with shadows and mantles fully extended, then I think all is well :)


PHEW... I was scared.... I noticed it yesterday, But he was open... and not gaping, My moonlight is on the flip up part of my hood, everytime I flip it up he closes,, and did that yesterday.. I will report later.... Pray for me :D


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by birdman204
I will attach a picture tonight If nobody understands what I am talking about.

i know what you are talking about, but would love to see a pic, if you can, so people who dont and are leary about asking could see
this could help someone down the road, or now ;)

and yes please keep us posted, and thanks for posting this, so if mine does this i wont freak out ;)



Well-Known Member
RS Ambassador
Not quite related to the byssal topic but I read somewhere that if a clam is dying, the cleaner shrimps and any other shrimps will be all over it. Its sort of a sign to watch out for.


Well-Known Member
wow, i see what you were worried about ;)

yeh, nivek, that could be a sign, but i think (could be wrong) that when a clam goes it is usually fast, could be because of the critters doing there job ;)

thanks for posting the pic Birdman



Well-Known Member
Barry pointed out something important.....basically if the clam is still acting normal, things are most likely just fine. I have a black Maxima clam that I bought from him just a few months ago, and the crazy thing does not want to remain upright. It keeps tipping over on its side....acts normal, just lies on its side. I've quite trying to right it, and have figured that its gonna know what makes it happiest....and let it go.


Yep, should be fine. I find chunks of byssal in the tank from time to time. As long as it is reacting to light and has decent mantle extension without gaping, yer kewl.


55 days later...
the clam has long since attached again. Just thought I'd let you all know it wasn't anything to worry about.


Originally posted by kennerd
I find chunks of byssal in the tank from time to time.
AHA! that would explain that rather disgusting unidentified chunk of nasty stuff lying on my sandbed in the 30 last week. I had no clue what the hell it was. scooped out and grossed out. blech.


Bien Y tu?
Come esta los zoanthid verdes? Si se muertes?

Just working on getting some stock tank / prop tanks together ;)
I'll be sendin' Mr.M some goodies soon, I don't suppose you and Craig would head up there to pick up some stuff? That is if he'll share...


bien, gracias, y los zoanthids es (or is it estas?) muerte. stupid zoo fungus wiped out my blue colony and yours which was right next to the blues.

nope, not driving 6 hours for corals. I'm thinking Ken is just going to have to ship mine and the clam he has as well, no time now to drive up with lacrosse season in full swing.

lookee what I saved from certain doom in a tank at the local Petco a couple weeks ago. it was labeled a golden clam....morons. it's about 2 1/2". my kids think it's ugly because it isn't as colorful as the crocea, but I feel good for doing my civic duty and saving this poor clam. the other one they had in another tank was already dead.
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