Bubbble Tip near my starry mushroom


New Member
My new BTA found a spot in the rocks just above where I had placed my starry mushrooms. Does the BTA pose any threat to the mushrooms or vice versa? Should I move the shrooms to a clear area?

Mise well before they start to spread? BTA's do have nemocysts (stinging cells) and they can and will sting other corals. Not as much as a Condylactis Anemone however.


As far as nems go, BTA stings are not the most potent. As far as cnidarians go, nems are up there in sting potency. The BTA will win out a territorial squabble with most other cnidarians. Best advice is to move the shroom

Moving an anemone is futile. They are mobile


New Member
I separated the two, but today, I found a shroom in the nems mouth. So I used the turkey baster that I use to clean the rocks and snagged the shroom out of the nems clutches. I placed the shroom on a rock. Hopefully it is still alive and will reattach.