Brittle sea star


New Member
SO guys i got a brittle sea star a while back like 9 months ago and today when i did my water change and the water was still foggy i notice 2 smaller brittle sea stars how is that possible when i only have 1 do they not need another one to produce there actually decent size 2 the babys there like like 3 inches big and i never notice them till now PLZ answer me im confuse lol Thnx

Mike Johnson

Well-Known Member
Spiny Brittle Stars are different sexes; it does take two. Fertilization is external; oocytes combine with spermatozoa to for a zygote, which hatches into a larvae. The larvae floats around for a few weeks and then becomes a baby Spiny Brittle Star. A lot like or just like sea urchins.


New Member
O wow guys talking about this i notice my Brittle star just climmed up to the top of the fish tank and was wide open and realsesed some white stuff look like milk or something lol i never seen that b4 ether it did it 2 times in a row ??