Brain coral help

I've had a brain coral for several months with no problems. It opens and feeds properly and looks great. However, besides the sand there isn't a good place for it in my tank. So I gave it to my brother and it was fine for about three weeks, then overnight it started massive bleaching. It still has 2/3's of it's normal color, in mixed areas. My question is, since I've got it back now, can they come back? If so, what's the time table?


I can't help you on this one but im sure someone will come by soon and give you some good advice! Here's a little :bump: for ya though!


had the same problem, depending of the type of brain you should be good mine took about 2 months to completly come back to original color.. what are you feeding it?


Well-Known Member
Yea... they can come back.
My red one lost more than that once.

As far as the time it takes... I don't know... IIRC mine was a few months to look "normal" again.
I feed it live brine shrimp and coral food mix. I've found it likes large food. It was doing great until I gave it away. Now I'm glad to here they can come back. By the way, it still has all green, and some of the brown.


Well-Known Member
I would say a couple months too. Feeding it a little more should help it come back. I fed mine 1/4" size hunks of scallop or shrimp. Sometimes it's easier to feed them after lights out.