Bluespot Jawfish Missing in Action :(


New Member
I have not seen my bsjf since last night. I checked all around the tank and my HOB refugium, but he is not there. I fed the other fish this afternoon and he did not come out of the rocks. He is typically the first to feed in my tank. The other fish in my 65 gallon are a pair of picassos (only a few months old), a mandarin, and a pair of helfrichi firefish. How long before I start tearing up the aquascape?


Well-Known Member
What kind of covering do you have on the tank?
I would at least give it 24 hrs. I have had mine go missing for that long a couple of times. Add some new rubble. Sometimes that gets their interest.


New Member
I have egg crate with fish pond netting. I also provide him with rubble. I have hardwood floors so I'd definitely know if it managed to jump out. I've had the guy for about 3 months now, and he's in great health. This is the first time he's gone missing. I'm just hoping his burrow did not cave in on him. Hopefully he is just hiding. Lynn, it's reassuring to know that this has happened to you a couple of times and everything turned out OK. I'll wait until tomorrow morning, and then I start taking out the rocks. In the mean time, I'm stressing out and praying that he shows up.


New Member
Thank goodness. My jawfish finally came out of hiding this afternoon after I fed the other fish some mysis soaked in garlic. I was really close to dismantling all the live rock. Unfortunately, he went back to hiding in his main burrow. He even covered the main entrance with a shell. I guess he doesn't want to be bothered. I'm just thrilled he is OK, so I'll give him his privacy.


Well-Known Member
Glad to hear you found him and he is eating. :snowski:

IMO the best thing to do in this type of situation is to not panic and to leave them alone. Digging through the rocks to find him would be the worst thing you could do because he may be fine and in the process of trying to find him, you could collapse his den. If he isn't fine, not much you could do about it anyway.

Remember that stress is the #1 killer of these guys, so the best approach 99% of the time is to let them be. Sometimes they hide more than other times. This is their way of dealing with stress from a variety of sources.


Active Member
it still amazes me the bond that people develop with these fish in particular. Every time i hear about someone stressing about a fish going missing its almost always a blue spot, its sweet that people love these fish so much. Anyways, happy you found him, and I think its about time to start to start a Blue Spot Addicts Anonymous Group for this forum.