Blue spiny lobster MISSING!



Just 4 days ago I bought a 40 dollar blue spiny lobster. Nice looking lobster wit 4 inch antennas. The LFS told me they tend to escape tanks. So I put a cover that covers 75% of the tank. (The best I could do) The next morning I woke up and to my surprise it was missing. I have a 9o gallon tank with rocks stacked up to the top. I search the tank with my eyes ( cause it’s a pain in the arse to start taking apart the whole tank. Anyways there was no visual on the lobster, I even looked for pieces of him. I checked my attire house inch by inch, and nothing. A few people have said his probably hiding, but he has freekin 4 inch antennas, if I can find my arrow crab and banded shrimp then there's no way this lobster can hide. It's been 4 days and haven't notice and foul odors in the house. I've accepted the fact that he's gone. But I have to get another one. Does anyone have any experience on this lobster, what am I doing wrong? How can a lobster disappear in 8 hours?

Thanks for any help,


Brunt of all Jokes~
Have you checked down the back of the tank on the floor? They can hide very well if motivated,and hopefully just hiding under a rock. Wait till late at night and have a peek with the flashlight. Steve

music man

dead shellfish, even a tiny one would reek somethin' awfull if it crawled out and died, do you have a cat? maybe he got a nice $40 lobster dinner, Sorry to hear about it but I would give it a couple weeks see if he shows up some evening arround feeding time.
don't get another one till you think you can say where this one went, and prevent it again if it did go on a walkabout. dont kill another one if you cant I.D. the escape plan.


New Member
if you havent smelled anything in four days and you dont have any four legged animals that would eat it then in a 90 thats alot of rocks and places to hide especially if your tank is against a wall


Well-Known Member
Check your parameters. If he is dead in the tank you should get a spike. My bet is that he is hiding.
I no longer pronounce anything "dead" until i see the body. I have had fish jump from one tank to the overflow of the other tank and live for weeks. I have also had a fish disappear for over a month only to show up at dinner one night.