blue polyps


Has been struck by the ban stick
I saw this really beautiful rock full of this very rare and unusal coral. The guy in the LFS there said it was new and kind of expensive. Unfortunately, he didn't have a more technical name for it and said they just simply called it "blue polyps". I was half tempted to buy it but the guy who had it couldn't frag the rock b/c of it's shape and for the cost of the entire rock itself was more than I was expecting.

Anyone know or have a picture of this rare coral they simply call, "blue polyps"? They don't grow very big or very fast but are quite beautiful to look at under the right lighting.


Smile Maker
Let's see, were they light blue, blue-black, baby-blue, or robins egg blue. Perhaps they were electric-blue or cobalt blue. Were they true blue or just blue blue? :lol:


Has been struck by the ban stick
I don't blue...maybe it was baby blue...I can't recall. Hahaha. Looked a little like a clove polyp but very small almost; could have fooled me for blue algae. The polyps were very big either.


Has been struck by the ban stick
I didn't take one there. I just saw it and wondered if anyone in here had anything similar. I found them rather uniqe. The people there said they take sometime to grow and proliferate; hence the hefty pricetag.


Supply and demand at work there. Take a look at some of our sponsor vendors and see if you can find anything similar. Then post back so we can ALL enjoy :)

Allen :)