Blacklight at night??


I have been looking all over on the topic and i cant seem to find a definitive answer. Last night i was shining a blacklight in my tank to see the results and it was spectacular! Everything really glowed~ so i have been researching today only to find mixed responses. I have read it puts off too much harmful radiation while i have also read that there is no way the radiation would in anyway be strong enough to hurt the fish or coral in the tank. So my question to you is have you done this and what is the negative or positive results within the tank.


yeah im curious too, i wanna get a cool fish tank for my store...which is blacklight mini golf...thought it could be pretty sweet....


I have no value to add here but am also curious as to the responses. The moonlight LEDs have a cool effect, not as much as the actinics but had not considered ysing an actual blacklight - is it really that much different than the actinic?


yeah it really pulls colors out of some of my corals i never imagined being on there! especially my ricordia..


Active Member
"Blacklights" produce violet light in the near ultraviolet light (UV) range, not true UV. There is no concern for UV radiation. Actinics are a blue light that falls near the violet portion of the spectrum, hence the similar results.


Active Member
I'm not sure I agree with that. Whether light is harmful or not depends greatly on the pigment a critter has to protect against it. It may not be true UV radiation, but that doesn't mean it can't cause a burn.


As before this is a debated topic and i have yet to find the right answer so please everyone chime in on your opinion!!!