black coral


has anyone ever heard of or does anyone have any black coral??? someone told me that it is very very very valuable and it is very illegal to collect,, especially in the gulf of mexico... ANYONE?

thanks chad


Smile Maker
Don't really know what you are talking about "black coral" I believe what is termed black coral comes from deep waters around the Phillipines etc. I don't think it is illegal to collect there. However, it is illegal to collect any coral from the Gulf of Mexico waters associated with Florida.


thanks everyone for your feedback... the info that i read said that the coral is found from 6 meters to 120 meters,, and it is found almost worldwide and there are many kinds... looking at the pics of it, it looks like more of a gorgonian than a hard coral.. and also it isnt even really black, its more like a brown color or a kinda tanish to dark brown... Thanks again everyone for your input...



There is a lot of black coral in the Cayman Islands. The shops there have a huge amount of jewelry made from polishing it into a beautiful glassy shine. I never understood how they could have so much of it when it is HIGHLY illegal there to take any of it from the ocean. The piece I found broken off was brown and looked more like a stick, so I guess it polishes up black. The Customs agent wasn't very happy with me....



Active Member
I am probably wrong, but I don't believe it is illegal to collect corals in the Gulf unless they are in a protected State or Federal reserve park. You can not take the rock they are attatched to though.