Biorb Life for seahorses?


Well-Known Member
That is a cool little fish bowl! First time I saw it.And that is about all it is good for. A few guppy's and such.
It would make a nice addition to a kids room or something also.


Thanks for that. My current Fluval 90 is fully stocked with about 9 tetras, a gourami, several danios, platys, and a couple of small catfish. With proper filtration and weekly water changes it is an extremely healthy tank. As freshwater stock levels can be much higher than marine, this is working really well.

It's amazing that you can only put two seahorses in a tank of such size, but then again my RSM 130 is fully stocked with 5 fish!

Unfortunately my house won't take many more fish tanks!!!!

Just getting a couple of books on seahorses so will investigate species and start a new thread when I'm up to speed on that for more advice.

Case closed now here I think!!! Thanks for saving me a few hundred quid and lots of stress and disappointment by not buying a Biorb :)

Reef Sanctuary forums rock <grin>.



New Member
A BiOrb in my opinion is only suitable for a couple of cold water fancy fish although again not ideal as they can suffer from swimbladder disorder easier in a BiOrb as ideally they should feed from the bottom but with the alfa-grog they supply as filtration substrate that becomes an immediate problem.

Or they are good for shoaling Tetra's and a couple of dwarf gouramies, again no catfish or bottom feeders unless you change the substrate.

I don't agree with BiOrbs for S/W personally, that's just my personal & professional opinion.
