bicubic interpolation


Contributing Member
Anybody done one?

If shooting in RAW, ACR for PS, gives you the option to enlarge before you convert, would it be better to do an ACR conversion at the enlarged size or the interpolation? I'd print a couple and see, but my printer won't do a print big enough for the interpolation? File is 10 X 13 (@ 300 dpi) straight out of the cam. I have also read that you get better results from a bicubic interpolation by interpolating in 10% increments, any thoughts?


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Haven't done a whole lot of it, I'd recommend you pose that question in the editing and printing forum. Then let me know what they say. :)

Apparently, Fred's "stair interpolation" action works pretty well.



Contributing Member
Dang Travis, I figured you would be doing something like that all the time. The 10D is a 6 MP cam...right? How are you printing 11 X 13s and 16 X 20s, if your not upping the res? Are you printing at a low DPI?


Contributing Member
OK, posted over there, although I gotta say, kinda uncomfortable posting in a DSLR forum when I ain't got a DSLR ;)


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Image -->image size --> auto --> check "best" and 150LPI. That gets me 11x17@300. Mom taught me that trick, has worked perfectly so far, FAMA never had an issue with it.



When you're checking the image siz and setting the "best" and 150LPI you are in fact interpolatiing just you're letting the machine do it for you. It works well because of the 150 LPI choice.

In some cases, you may get better results using informed choices and different methods. ie High Pass, 10% increments or Genuine Fractals or numerous other options. It is VERY image dependent in reality.

But in the end, what ain't broke may not need fixing