Best way to clean substrate?

Tim Duncan

Does anyone know to the best way to clean your substrate, after your tank has been setup and running for awhile? I thought that Nassarius snails would keep mine clean, but there still seems to be lots of crap down there. Do I need to get some different CUC members? Or is there something else I can do to keep it clean?


Well-Known Member
Besides critters eating organics, something to sift the sand and good water movement to keep stuff from settling I like to use something to siphon off the top layer of sand every now and again from different parts of the tank. Of course I make my own tool out of glass but you could easily take a length of 1/2" PVC or CPVC just a few inches longer then the depth of the tank.. 90 it over and add a barb fitting for a drain hose. It's also helpful to have something to slow the flow since you don't want to vacuum up more then 1mm or so of sand. Just start a siphon and have fun.


Well-Known Member


+1 ^ Give John a shout over at reefcleaners, tell him what you have in there for a CUC, answer some questions he'll ask you, and he'll set you up with exactly what you need.


Active Member
This might work:

Crab Scooper

Zoo Med Hermit Crab Scooper at PETCO

fruit bat

By far the most efficient substrate cleaner I have ever had is a Blue Cheeked Gobie. He spends all day sifting the surface substrate


I have sand sifting starfish that seem to be doing a good job- I inherited some quite dirt live sand and they have been turning it over and cleaning it well for sure- but they can be tricky to keep I believe....