Best choice, Six line wrasse or Dragonet

Dragonet or Six-line Wrasse

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  • Poll closed .


Well...definitely it still goes on...

how silly I am...obviously, my sh could not be moved to the RSM with all those fish, the anemone...
Yesterday I had a hard afternoon cleaning thoroughly my Boyu nano water changing and removing all substrate (I did that to reduce risk of infections, but seems it was maybe not worth doing, at least did not help at all with the female sh, but hope will help me cleaning and keeping a safer tank)

So, keep voting... and thanks to all for your replies and is getting clearer everyday that the wrasse will be my choice, simple maths, even though I read also supporters for the mandarin, I still haven't found a bad word on the wrasse (apart from being territorial with later comers, which won't be the case..[Please state any other bad experience or differring view on this issue, should you have any])
Thanks again, these polls prove really helpful.


I have had better luck with mandarins than a 6line but I would suggest a 6line concidering the difficulty that dragonets can pose. My tank and feeding routines revolve around my mandarins. I have mine "trained" to eat frozen foods from a feeding dish. Honestly alot of long timers would perhaps be more ready to accept frozen food if the pumps where shut off completly during feedings. They cannot really chase food in the current and even if they did they wouldnt get enough to sustain them. During breeding conditioning I feed my Mandarins 2-5 times in a day depending on if I am at work or not. Here is a crummy video of them eating. Dont mind the clown he always has to be the center of attention (just traded him today for a rotifer culture) theres several other videos on there of mandarin fry and ect. Concidering your current stock list I woudl lean heavily toward the sixline being a more fitting tank mate. If anything a mandarin would be a better choice for the seahorse tank concidering the docile nature and feeding requirements being more akin to the seahorses. If for somereason you still end up going with a mandarin dispite the general consenus then I would make sure that it eats a bare mininum of Live brine at the store prior to you purchasing it. If it will not eat live brine the chances of you being able to train it onto frozen food are pretty much null.



Active Member
I vote for the 6 line wrasse, meeting your criteria nicely. And it eats! Easily. Mine has been very healthy ever since I got him. I personally would not suggest getting the mandarin, unless your tank is very, very old. It will probably die within a year. sorry if that is not what you wanted to hear, but I feel it is an honest opinion from reading and rearing.


Hi all I finally got a mandarin but not in the RSM, but in the 450l with highly mature rocks...the behaviour made me decide for the sinchyropus splendidus;)

You can keep voting anyway, might help others decide on the next inhabitant...