BC29 Top Hinge?


Has anyone put a hinge on the top of a BC29? Just curious as that is my goal for the weekend.

I was originally intending to rivet it on, and may still rivet it onto the top, but the back seems to be glass all the way up so I'm going to have to find some epoxy or mighty putty or something...

If anyone has done this please chime in & let me know what works/doesn't. Will post pics of my adventure.


No pics yet, but I have them on and working just fine... Used some underwater epoxy laying around and a pair of pin hinges that I can remove the pin if I need to take the lid all the way off. Works like a charm!


I don't have the hinge setup anymore. When I did, I just used flat hinges about 2" long each, and used aqua putty to hold them on. Rough up the surface of the BC29 first to give a bit more to stick to, and the putty holds 'okay'. I had one come off and then due to some other configuration changes I removed them both.

Now since I have a much taller stand, I have a small hook in the ceiling and actually hang the hood when I'm doing a lot of work inside the tank.