Asexual Algaes


I have been reading up on different types of algae today. Currently in my refug I have some caulerpa, which is growing really well. Many places say it is essential to make sure the plant doesn't go asexual. So my question is: How do you know if the plant is going asexual?


Mnay people will run the refugium lighting 24/7 in order to avoid the algae going sexual.

Usually the algae will appear white or almost clear before it nukes the tank.

You should really be using cheato instead of caulerpa.
Caulerpa releases too many yellowing agents and may inhibit the growth of SPS if carbon is not employed.

Plus you have the danger of caulerpa getting into your main syastem and attaching to your rock. That would be horrible because it is toxic to most fish.


Thanks.... I'll look into replacing it. I'm just glad I don't have anything other than a few fish that would get wiped out.

Thanks again....


The Wand Geek was here. ;)
Your tank water will turn into a green soup and the algae will turn white. I have chaetomorpha which is less apt to go asexual.