Are these okay?


New Member

My wife says that she read that they can spread rapidly and take over your tank. Should I take this out?


Active Member
I'm wondering how joes juice works, can you use it in the tank like aiptisia x or do you have to take the rock out?
Try boiling RO/DI water and injecting it into the aiptasia. Then you can use a baster to suck up any loose pieces. This is how we keep our in check. Just a thought (and cheap one too!).


New Member
I don't think you want those unless you try to breed Berghia Nudis. Peppermint shrimp will work but you have to starve them first.


Active Member
Yea, from what I have heard peppermint shrimp are pretty much hit or miss with these guys, but on the plus side it adds some more life and movement to a tank.


peppermints work well, but if your not looking to get another life form I have used Joe's Juice with great success,just dont accidentally squirt it on anything else in the tank. I ruined a colony of zoas that way.


Well-Known Member
I put 20 peppermints in my tank & had no luck at all. Think my Hawk fish might have eventually killed the peppermint shrimp! Haven't seen any in awhile.