are there any shrimp that a coral bandit will not eat


Well-Known Member
I had one as the first Invert in my tank that lived about 18 months and he got BIG. I had Pepermint, Skunks, pistol shrimp & Red fire shrimp over this period. He would act tough but he never ate anything that was not dead. Good luck!


Active Member
I have a rather large coral banded shrimp and he will act tough when someone goes near his cave, but that's about it. He just chases them away. I have a cleaner shrimp (who was very small when I put her in) and a tiny pistol shrimp who are fine.


Well-Known Member
I have a large bandid shrimp and i agree with the others he acts tough and from time to time will get ahold of another shrimps antena but never actually gets anything thats not dead


try a pistol shrimp they live under the sand most of the time and shouldn't be bothered by the coral bandit
I've never had problems with banded coral shrimp eating other shrimp either. Maybe you should try supplemental feeding, if your not already.
yes, keep your CBS fed, and it will cut down on your deaths. found mine the other day eating what was left of my peppermint, don't know if it killed it or not.


Active Member
I have kept them in the past with no problems, but for animals that eat tank mates like that try feeding the CBS very well give it no reason to pursue other food. Try a feeding stick or a turkey baster to shoot food it's way.
Good luck,