Any good bottom feeders?

My hermit crabs never ate anything other than brown algae.
My peppermint shrimp died 2 days after I bought him.

How about a cleaner shrimp? Will they scavenge the ground floor good?


Well-Known Member
Mexican Turbos will eat anything but they get big and are bulldozers moving around. Good luck!
As soon as i put food in my tank, my Nassarius snails seem to instantly come out from the sand. One of my tangs ripped out my featehr duster somehow and it fell to the sand, and my Nassarius snails ate it in less than 30 minutes. One of my pepermint shrimp also died mysteriously one day and i found him one of my pumps tubes. so i unplugged it so i could take out his dead body but as soon as it hit the bottom of the tank, my Nassarius snails were all over it and ate every last bit of it. I would HGIHLY recommend them for picking up unwanted food!

David Shaw

Well-Known Member
I have nassarius snails and also introduced two yellow spotted sand sifting gobies. They cover the substrate like a lawnmower. Had brilliant white substrate ever since i put them in.