Another skimmer question

Hi all, I put in a sump two weeks ago and cleaned my turbo flotor multi skimmer the skimmer seems to skim intermintely(hopefully spelled correctly) the sump only has 7 inches of water in it I e-mailed aquamedic what a joke I asked them what is the minimum water depth the aquabee pump should be put in and they seemed not to know what I was talking about all they wanted to know is if the pump is producing bubbles or not. Everything with the pump seems fine allot of micro bubbles in the reaction chamber. I don't know why it is working the way it is. Also how many of you run the filter socks that come with the sumps or should I stop using them and let the skimmer collect the dirt. Any help greatly appreciated.:confused:


Ok heres what i know.

When you clean a skimmer and depending on what you cleaned it with dictates how long it takes for the skimmer to build up the "film" as its been refered to me as and therefore will not skimmer properly for a little while. give it a couple of days and see what happens. I hope you just cleaned it with hot water and possible a bit of vinegar.

Hi Tosh I just cleaned it with ro water and a rag. And then I put it in the sump. This past Saturday was 2 weeks since I cleaned it. Thanks for your help and your reply.