Another BSJF Issue?


Active Member
Hi All,
After my BSJF's recovery from (apparently) Ich and Brook about 9 weeks ago, I'm afraid I may have another situation with "Spot"... Could he have some type of worms? If so, is there anti-worming food that can be fed to him in the DT (reef safe)?

His stomach is swollen / protruding. I'm assuming this isn't normal... Here are some pics (not very good ones - hard to get the right angle):
Left side:

Right side:

Middle (sorry, blurry):



I've also suddenly noticed a few bare spots (?) in his scales. I don't think this looks like his previous "white blotches" from the disease he had before (though I could be wrong). Could some critter have hurt him? I noticed my cleaner shrimp "cleaning" him recently - could that have pulled off scales or something? Here's a pic:

Thanks in advance,


Active Member
Thanks Lee - do you think the bulging stomach would be due to worms? Or do you have any other idea what this might be? I have no idea what to suspect it may be - worms was just the first thought I had. Maybe it ate something big that it shouldn't have? I haven't found much when searching around for enlarged stomach...

I looked at your de-worming thread after posting this. Looked for those meds locally and couldn't find any, but I do have PraziPro. I have a fish in my QT that's been in there 4 weeks, and I could swap fish and treat in there. Or I could just try the PraziPro in the DT. I read a thread where people had no negative results with PraziPro in the DT, but I don't like the idea of using it. Thanks,


Well-Known Member
I've only de-wormed with meds that go into the fish's normal diet/foods. In this case, they don't need to be moved. Whatever the instructions say on the product is what you should do.

Bulging is sometimes a sign of internal problems which include infections, worms (in the very general sense of the term), and blockage.