

I’m sure it’s a pest; please confirm before I push the plunger on the Aiptasia-X syringe.







They are Aiptasia.

However, I would not treat them in the tank. It looks like you only have two small pieces of live rock to seed your tank. Remove only those two pieces, place into a small hospital tank with out anything else but water movement and light, (this will help keep your live rock live). Then treat the Aiptasia in the hospital tank. Once all the Aiptasia are gone you can re introduce the rocks to your tank to help seed the other dry rock you have. This will help avoid them spreading when you go to treat them, Aiptasia have the crazy ability to grow from the smallest piece of tissue or spore. You could also use peppermint shrimp as well in the hospital tank, however they can be hit or miss at times. For the best chance with peppermint just don't add any food to the hospital tank during treatment, and don't add Aiptasia X if using the peppermint shrimp. With either option wait, and I mean wait until you don't see any trace of them on the rocks before putting them back into the display. If it were me I'd wait at least two weeks maybe more, after I saw them completely gone before adding them back in the tank. Trust me you don't want the headache of dealing with these guys once they spread.