
12g Dude

I've had a 32 Gallon reef up for about 2 years and have had not a single Aiptasia in it. My Nano, however, is loaded with them. I kill'em off with Joes Juice as much as possible. But my question is this: The only real difference in the livestock is that the 32 Gallon had a pair of peppermint shrimp for the first year. The Nano doesn't. Could those have cleaned out the entire 32 gallon tank...completely? I think they died off a few months ago and still no Aiptasia. Whatever it was did a great job. (knock on wood) I bought another small pair for the nano tank and will keep my fingers crossed that they can make a dent in it. :confused:


Well-Known Member
All I can say is that I have watched one of my peppermints eat an aiptasia.
From what I read anyway there are 2 types of peppermints so it is not a sure thing by any means. Personally, I think they are cool anyway so I keep a pair in each tank.


Peppermint Shrimp are your best option in that size of a tank (or in any Reef Tank). Joe's Juice works to a degree but if they get a foothold in your live rock, you can't even see them sometimes.


Well-Known Member
If the rock doesnt have corals attached and if the rock isnt to big, I would take the rock out and snip the aiptasia off with scissors, scrub the rock off with an old toothbrush rinse VERY well in a seperate container with freshwater and put back in.. I did that during the move of my tank (because I had to take the rock out anyway), Never had them return..

12g Dude

Looks like the peppermint shrimp are making some headway. I noticed a reduction in Aiptasia in just a few days. I'm not sure how much to expect out of them, but anything is better than nothing. I'm slightly optomistic and hoping it's not just my wishful thinking.:thumbup:


Well-Known Member
I got some new Zoos last week and I was inspecting the zoos and saw 3 0r 4 tiny tiny aiptasia sticking out.... I was wandering how in the heck im gonna get those things off there before they get out of hand....I was looking in my cabinet , I thought about kalk paste but wasnt sure if it would kill the zoos and I had some joes juice or something, but I couldnt find it...

Soooo lol.... I took the rock out and I was very careful to inspect the rock and memorize where the zoos were because I knew the apitasia would sink into the rock when I took it out...Lol Im a dork. I was starring at this rock for about an hour and counting zoos and saying to myself ok. 1-2 3- 4- zoos blank spot on the rock and right there is where the aiptasia would be. I plugged the whole with superglue.... lol I think it worked... I will let you all know. This hobby makes you crazy..... I was afraid the zoo would squirt me in the eye too. I must of looked pathetic gazing and counting zoos.


Aptasias are small "pale" anenomes that are usually prolific and will sting corals and fish. Can take over a tank.


New Member
Ganomish said:
Aptasias are small "pale" anenomes that are usually prolific and will sting corals and fish. Can take over a tank.

how do u tell the difference between aptasia and hydroids. they look very similar to me. and are both harmful to the aquarium?


Well-Known Member
Aiptasia are terrible terrible terrible ( oh yea ) terrible to have in the tank.. They spread and sting everything. they can get pretty big and ugly. When buying liverock and corals always make sure they are not on it. Once they get into the tank they can be hard to get rid of.... They look like little anemones.. Do a search on here and read on them... I found one thread for ya... If you find them in your tank you will want to remove them ASAP and do not cut them off in the tank. It will need to be done out of the tank.

12g Dude

12g Dude said:
Looks like the peppermint shrimp are making some headway. I noticed a reduction in Aiptasia in just a few days. I'm not sure how much to expect out of them, but anything is better than nothing. I'm slightly optomistic and hoping it's not just my wishful thinking.:thumbup:

Update: Looks like the little pepermints shrimp wiped out all the aiptasia in my tank in just over a week! I can't see where thev'e touched anything else other than the aiptasia. I'll never be without a set of those little guys ever again!:whstlr:


The Wand Geek was here. ;)
A few days ago I nuked 2 tiny aiptasia with Joe's Juice. I have no idea where they came from! No sign of them again yet....

12g Dude

I was using Joe Juice weekly just to try and keep the bigger aiptasia down. Many times the smaller guys were in places I couldn't reach with the applicator. The shrimp work much better.

You learn something new everyday!