A little upset with LiveAquaria.com

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Well-Known Member
I'd choose LiveAquaria over my lfs anyday! Go in to lfs, pick out beautiful fish, bring it home, it dies 10 days later and I'm out my money! Buy from LA, I'd get my money refunded!

I got a Yellow Tang from them not too long ago. I wasn't disappointed at all that it was larger than I expected, I was thrilled!


Well-Known Member
Live Aquaria is a GREAT company. I orer all of my Livestock from them. I have never had any problems that were not immediatley resolved. I have had the wrong coral shipped to me before. They refunded my money AND shipped me the correct coral. Plus they have an AWESOME Live Arrival and Stay Alive policy. Most places want you to send the fish or coral back, or take a pic of it. I have NEVER been questioned about a dead animal.
I agree with what many have said, If 1'' makes a huge diference, why even get one?
BTW, If you cal them and speak with someone, they will refund your money.


I work for one of the largest cable companies in the country as a customer service representative. I take calls all day from un happy customers. Before working at this company i use to be one of their customers. So I can totally see where you are coming from JT, but somtimes i wish more customers would step back and just think for a minute and try to see both sides. Were all human and we all make mistakes. But when a company or a person who works for a company makes a mistake and they are willing to rectify the problem by a reasonable means then why not be satisfied with that. People all day want something FREE from me. There are legitmate customers who should be upset and be taken care of and then there are ones who have no reason to complain and will never be satisfied with what you do for them. JT i would be happy with the service they gave you. Sometimes a credit isnt such a bad idea. It gives them the oppertunity to give them a second chance and who knows that second chance may make you a believer and a customer for life.


Well-Known Member
So theY refunded ALL your money, and let you keep it?

Thats just horrible!
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Well-Known Member
JT, I think that the reason that the majority of us are not supporting your position is because we don't agree with your decision to put a fish in your tank that you knew would outgrow it. Most of us would not have done that. As a matter of fact, if I ordered a small fish from them and they sent me a medium, I'd be writing a thank you note.

Sorry if you're not getting the support you thought but IMO a responsible hobbiest doesn't place a fish his/her system knowing it will outgrow it quickly. Sorry if this seems overly harsh. JMHO.


Reef Sanctuary's Mr. Wizard

Get OFF your high horse there pal they are being more than fair. They made an error they are not faultless any more than you or I are. We all make mistakes they are no different. You are making mountian out of a mole hill.
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