A Golfers 180 Tank


Alright my tank is 180 gallons and has been set up for a year and a half. Equipment for is an ASM 3 skimmer a wet dry filter with live rock and carbon pillows in the sump. Lighting includes oddysea mh light that has 10000k watt bulbs. About 200 pounds of live rock and about 50 pounds of sand and 40 pounds of crushed coral. The crushed coral is slowly being removed and replacing with sand.

Fish and coral list are 2 clownfish 1 regal tang, 1 rEd sea sailfin tang, 1 royal gramma, 2 pajama cardinals 1 peppermint shrimp, and 1 chromis.
Coral list is an anthelia, 3 star polyps, 2 small kenya tree frags, daisey polyps , and assorted mushrooms.

Tank Situation is not very good nitrates are my problem, I know the two reasons for them one i was using tap water in the begenning of the tanks liffe and early in tank life i was lazy and didnt do water changes but now i hae learned my lesson so im trying to fix it once and for all.
Parameters are:

Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 100
PH 8.4

My first question is what should the sump size should be for that tank should be because I know my sump is on the small size but i have a 29 gallon i would be willing to make into a sump.

Next question is there any other equipment i should have for this tank that i am missing.


trying to get an opinion on something,

If i get a boaster pump added to my rodi unit will that be an advantage or not really