6 Line Wrasse


Scott's new 6 line Wrasse is stressing me out! Yesterday, I thought he was dead and eaten already. I found the booger in the first chamber with the heater. I scooped him out and he was fine later in the day.

This morning, the fellow was missing again only to be found in the middle chamber on top of the wet/dry filter grate.

Grrrrrr, I swear this fish is on a suicide mission!

What can I do to stop his jumping at night?


I have the gutter guard and some cable ties in hand now thanks to the local reef store, but I cant figure out how to put it in without the fish getting caught on top of the guard.

I LOVE our reef store, Scott saw some zoa polyps that are a peachy color and some green ones that were loose on the sand and she bagged them up for him.

We went in for SW and came out with zoanthid polyps, gutter guard, ties along w/ the SW.

Any ideas on how to install the gutter guard on a bio cube?