40 gallon breeder.

Okay, this will be my first saltwater aquarium. I have been keeping discus for about 6 months now and before that nothing. Except for about a year I had a small mouth bass. I'm very excited about this aquarium. I want this to be all HOB. No sump or Refugium. I would like to make this as cheap as possible as well. Here's what I was thinking for equipment. I may upgrade equipment (Lighting etc) so I can eventually turn it into a reef aquarium.

- Berlin Air Lift Protein Skimmer
- Aqua clear 70 HOB filter
- glass submersible heater (brand doesn't really matter to me)
- 40 gallon breeder aquarium ( actually 45 gallons)L 36inx W 18in x H 16 in
- Lighting will be standard fluorescent lighting which comes with the aquarium
- 25 Pounds of live sand
- 20 Pounds of live rock to start with will add about 5 pounds a month till I reach about 50 pounds

Fish list

- 3 blue or green chromis to start.
- 6 line wrasse I think it is can't quite remember but the reef safe one.
- Clown fish (not sure which type I want for sure but the most peaceful)
- As my prize fish I would like to eventually add a copper band butterfly fish
- Also what are some reef safe hermits and such that won't be ate by a copper band.
- any advice on what fish to keep would be great I am trying to make this a very peaceful community.

any advice on the equipment and fish would be greatly appreciated.



Hello and Welcome! :hallo:

I have a 40 breeder myself, and will be watching your progression.

Now the only thing I can offer you is this; The aqua Clear should only carry filter floss and carbon media, don't let that thing become a nitrate factory, clean it every two weeks.

Oh and just dont add any fish until the cycle is complete. Please dont use a fish to cycle the tank.

This is FOWLR correct? Not sure about butterflies.. Someone might will let you know.

Seems you will have everything you need.

Oh and dont stack LR to close together, try to have them open from all sides. Good water flow will give your LR a nice breeding ground.

Welcome and I hope you dont bail and keep us posted. Take lots of pics!!!
Haha yeah right trying not to bail :) I'm doing allot of figuring I keep on changing my mind on whether or not I wanna do Reef or FOWLR! can't decide. My favorite fish is the clown trigger fish so I was thinking I could get one 1-2 inches long and then keep him till he gets about 4 inches or so then take him back and upgrading to reef that way I could get a share of my favorite fish lol. what do you think of this plan? I also might go 30 gallon breeder... Haven't decided.


The copperband butterfly is an extremly hard fish to keep I would not recommend it unless your an expert.


Copperbands are hit and miss with eating as well..I had one who was doing wonderful..until he went after my clams out of nowhere one day...traded him for a tang..but I do miss the little guy...