12 gal nano dx


New Member
I started 12 gal JBJ nano reef with 20 lbs of sand, 10 lbs of live rock, 100 watt heater. Any sugestions on how to fit a skimmer?


There is a nano skimmer. It is called the Fission Nano Skimmer. I have one in my Aquapod and it seems to fit nicely in the back. You LFS should have one or just google fission nano skimmer.


New Member
All of the forum responses corncerning that skimmer from Current Fission say that the skimmer is junk and not to bother with it. I am looking for other feed back and sugestions.


sl305, I have not had much luck with the fission skimmer either, but I have read where others had.

In my experience so far (just 4 weeks), the bubble pad ends up getting filled with the skimate instead of the cup. Also, the bubbles are out of control in the display part of the tank. I am going to experiment more of course and see if I can't get it to work better. If so, I'll let you know. If you find a solution before me, drop me PM because I am also interested.