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  1. J

    2 dead tangs

    I came home to find my Achilles and hippo tang dead can anyone identify what may have killed them.
  2. J

    clownfish pairs

    Can I keep one Picasso clownfish with one ocellaris clownfish?
  3. J

    hippo tang with ich

    Today my hippo tang got ich what should I do to help her just leave her be and let her fight it on her own or should I try to medicate or freshwater dip, hypo, what I'm just freaking out she's my favorite fish and I really don't want to see her go.
  4. J

    whats my bioload?

    I'm just curious as to how heavy or light my bioload is I have a 135gl FOWLR set up with a snowflake eel, Picasso trigger, bursa trigger, and a blue hippo tang.