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  1. sixline

    What is happening to my soft corals?

    No chemicals or medications. What seems high? I think there is a typo in your question.
  2. sixline

    What is happening to my soft corals?

    I've been having trouble migrating my tank from a FOWLR to one that includes soft corals. I've purchased green star polyps, zooanthids and toadstool leathers several times now, and everything eventually dies, or in some cases, never even opens at all after getting into my tank. For example, I...
  3. sixline

    Hello Everyone

  4. sixline

    Lawnmower blend (need only algae?)

    Yes, they do fine eating only algae. I've had many of them over the years (I usually keep one in every tank I build) and they have quite a bit of personality. I find that they usually end up learning to eat the other foods I put in the tank (mysis, pellets, flake food), but not always. As long...
  5. sixline

    ID hitchhiker

    I'm getting: Reef Sanctuary - Error You do not have permission to view media within this album.
  6. sixline

    Non Plumber wondering about refugium plumbing

    Complicated for my little brain, but not overly so. I now understand the concepts well from your clear explanations, which was my goal in starting this thread. I will have to think a bit more before deciding whether to proceed, and if so, which method to use. Thanks to both of you!
  7. sixline

    Non Plumber wondering about refugium plumbing

    So, about five years ago I bought my first reef aquarium and it has been running successfully and is somewhat well established. Now I want to add a refugium. The tank is a Red Sea Max s400, which is a prebuilt and configured system. It has a mid sized sump that is full with a protein skimmer...
  8. sixline

    What kind of wrasse is this? I know the link says it's a...
  9. sixline

    Please review my water changing routine!

    An interesting idea, but I'm not really too bothered by my current routine as far as efficiency is concerned. I actually like doing water changes. Put some good music on, start a slow drip line and watch my tank a bit until I need to add the replacement water. My main concern in starting this...
  10. sixline

    Please review my water changing routine!

    Hello all, I've been doing some non-traditional things as far as water changes and tipoff and was wondering if it matters and why. My aquarium is a full on reef tank and is 110 gallons. I have a RO/DI unit and make new water that I place in two Rubbermaid 55 gallon plastic trash cans. Each...
  11. sixline

    Where to buy live rock online these days?

    Thanks a lot DaveK. I've been in the hobby for quite a while, and when I originally set up my tank, I ordered online rock from Florida. Ten years, later, I've upgraded the size of my tank and now want to get some more rock. You said "The live rock that your thinking about is extremely...
  12. sixline

    Where to buy live rock online these days?

    I am looking to add to my tank with some high quality live rock. Any suggestions on good vendors online? I am looking for interesting shapes and lots of life on the rock.
  13. sixline

    Topoff and dosing kalkwasser

    Hello all, I've got a red sea max s400 setup and I love it. However, about 95% of the time I spend doing maintenance is working on my topoff and dosing system. Currently, I have a 55 gallon rubbermaid with a lid that is filled with RO/DI tipoff water. I have hose running from here to my...
  14. sixline

    Ugh! Aquarium Pumps!

    Probably my least favorite reef aquarium maintenance task is cleaning and maintaining pumps. I usually just take them out every couple of months, clean them with a toothbrush, and them run them overnight in a vinegar solution to remove/reduce coralline buildup. My latest patient is a Red Sea...
  15. sixline

    Please suggest a new fish or two for my established reef tank.

    I will be posting pics the next time I am at home when the lights are still on in the tank. (%@!@# job!) Any other wrasses besides a sixline to consider that won't eat ornamental shrimp?
  16. sixline

    Please suggest a new fish or two for my established reef tank.

    Bumping since I finally got a few new inhabitants. I've added a pair of skunk cleaners and a starry blenny. This is my first time owning a starry blenny (I've had lawnmowers before), and I'm surprised at how shy and skittish he is. It has been about three weeks and he still hides a lot and darts...
  17. sixline

    Please suggest a new fish or two for my established reef tank.

    My beloved sixline wrasse has recently passed after about 6 years. He was meaner than Lisa Lampanelli, so I was unable to add any other fish while he was in there. Now I am looking to make some additions. So far, here is what is in my 100 gallon tank: -One 6" engineer goby -A pair of false...
  18. sixline

    Spare return pump?

    Thanks for the reply RG. I guess I could also overnight a pump in an emergency, and move the heater from the sump to the display tank. In your experience, do the impellers usually go more often than the pumps themselves? Do the little blades just break off the impellers, or...?
  19. sixline

    Spare return pump?

    Hello everyone, I had a bit of a scare upon returning home from a vacation. My return pump had stopped, causing the tank to become a bit chilly. With a bit of detective work, I was able to determine that it had not been off for long. I jiggled it a bit and was able to start it up again...
  20. sixline

    How much caulerpa is too much?

    I've got some caulerpa of various varieties growing in my 100g reef. All in all, it amounts to about a baseball sized cluster. It is relatively easy to maintain this amount since it is growing primarily in the sand where it can be easily removed. I think it looks nice, probably acts a...