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  1. M

    Bullying firefish!

    Hi All!! I've recently moved my reef into a 90 corner tank, it hasnt been set up long, and as such doesnt really have much in there. There is however 2 firefish who were quite happy in my old tank which was really quite small. Once they had been moved over, 1 was fine, and is flourishing...
  2. M

    My new 90!

    So, I'm still fairly new to this, only been at it about 9 months, so i'm going spectacularly slowly! I did have a 20g nano set up, but quickly learned that bigger is obviously better! Its all been transferred into a new 90 corner tank now, and is settling in nicely! what do you think?
  3. M

    We all love the reef, but which one????

    I have a bit of a project in mind, and I'm trying to do a load of research.... so I was wondering, which reef is the most common source for domestic aquariums? is there any particular area? depth? Or are they kind of from all over the world.... Any info would be incredibly useful! :dance:
  4. M


    Right, now this may be a little tricky... over the last few months, ive noticed a clicking sound coming from my reef, I'm wondering if i may have picked up a tiny pistol shrimp along the way somehow? It's about as loud as a ball point pen click maybe, or something tapping the glass. How...
  5. M

    Id on a snail please!

    Hi guys! I was just gazing lovingly at my tank, when i noticed this! It moves more like a crab than a snail, like a slow lolloping gait as opposed to a crawl like a snail, but appears to be 'sniffing' continuously with a snout looking thing that waves around! Any ideas? Thanks guys!!
  6. M

    centipede looking thing!

    Hi Guys! Thanks for all your help so far, this forum has proved invaluable in setting up my little reef! So, after all the months of setting up and battling with levels and chemicals, I've finally put my first zoa in! exciting times! But, it seems to have come with a friend in the form of...
  7. M

    new to this, Just setting up, hope its not aiptasia!

    Hey people!! I'm just letting my new reef tank settle in with some LR, got a bit of a problem with nitrates at the moment, so i'm beating it to death with RO water. The LR has been in there for about 3 weeks, and things are starting to grow! I had a couple of reasonable size aiptasia, (about...