Recent content by Mrs.Rich

  1. M

    HELP! Buying used tank

    I going to start off with a FOWLR then gradually go up from there.
  2. M

    HELP! Buying used tank

    I bought it! Thank you! In you’re opinion how should I go about setting my tank up with used LR? Some of the rocks have algae on them but they have a cleanup crew of snails. He seller tank looked great before take down and it appeared to already be cycled. Should I replace the sand, clean the...
  3. M

    HELP! Buying used tank

    Thanks Dave! Yes I noticed the light issue. Do you think I should negotiate due to the lighting or is the price fair? As far as the last picture what setup would you say they have? I’m not sure if drilled and sump were the same. I did my research but it was a while back and I need a bit brushing up.
  4. M

    HELP! Buying used tank

    Look what I just found on letgo! - 65 gal reef tank posted by Roberto M.
  5. M

    HELP! Buying used tank

    Is this worth purchasing? Should I keep the live sand? I plan on purchasing tomorrow and wanted to be sure it’s a good buy.
  6. M

    HELP! New to Sw

    Thank you! Would a 45 gallon be a bit of a balance of the two meaning not as expensive and better balance?
  7. M

    HELP! New to Sw

    This is the 95 gallons
  8. M

    HELP! New to Sw

    Hi! I’m new here and haven’t even started my SW tank yet. I have been doing some research and browsing. I’m a bit nervous but very excited and know I can handle this adventure I’m about to take on. But with all the information out there it can be a bit confusing as to what’s best so I decided to...