Recent content by happyfishman

  1. happyfishman

    How many fish?

    I will advice using the following principles which guide me in making such decisions, It is not recommended to house marine fish in a tank smaller than 20 gallons, even though this is possible. your tank size of 75 is OK - only for a certain number of fish. My advice would be to start with a...
  2. happyfishman

    Marine Ich - Myths and Facts

    "11. NEVER combine a copper treatment with a hyposalinity treatment. In hyposaline solutions, copper can be lethal to marine fishes." Very good point! A friend almost killed his fish trying to do that. Good advice here.
  3. happyfishman

    So you want a tang?

    Great post Craig. I have been considering adding a tang to my tank and with your post, I am now more informed on how to take this step. Thanks.
  4. happyfishman

    Hi Everyone! Glad To Be Here

    Hi Everyone, I am an aquarium enthusiast and happy to be in this forum. I will do my best to contribute as much as I can ... and learn from the more experienced hobbyist. 'Will appreciate your response.