Pretty Much Sold on Biocube 29

Well I have returned from (an awesome trip to) Iceland! The biocube itch is in full effect and I would like to purchase in the upcoming weeks. I will be away for Independence Day weekend and for a week in August, so I am still a little concerned about starting things up. I plan on getting the biocube, stand, protein skimmer (any suggestions aside from the oceanic one?) and maybe another powerhead (again, any suggestions?). Any other suggestions on things that should be purchased now as opposed to later? THANKS :)


New Member
We still have the bio balls. and have had no problems. I just make sure, we do regular water changes and test.

Same here. So far I haven't had any problems with regards to nitrate etc. I do regular water changes and testing also as well as using RO water. It is something to think about though.


Well-Known Member
Iceland! How neat. You should post some pics. From what I hear it is beautiful there.
I would wait until you get back this weekend but you could set it up and cycle until you get back in August. That would be a great time to cycle and by the time you get back you should be ready to stock the tank.
Pictures, you want pics? Here are 100 of the 800! Enjoy :)
Iceland - The Uber Abbreviated Version pictures from vacations photos on webshots
As a more reef-friendly aside, I am about to pull the trigger on the BC29 after a lot of virtual pacing back and forth. Right now I have in my cart at DFS the BC29, Stand, Skimmer, and MaxiJet 1200 (w. 1600 upgrade)...anything else I need while I'm in the spending mood...I was looking at heaters (which was making me warm) AHHH!


Well-Known Member
Now that was an awesome slideshow. Great pics of a beautiful place.
Depending on the local temp you would want a heater. Here in Florida I don't have one.
What are you planning to keep in the cube? You may need a lighting upgrade if you want to keep the higher light animals.
I plan on keeping (eventually) a clown, goby and maybe another fish on the smaller end of the spectrum. As far as inverts, etc, shrimp and some of those zoas with the polyps look pretty, as well as maybe a bubble tip anemone or something similar for the clown to do its deal with. I shied away from the EcoCube because I was concerned about the heat coming from that lighting...hopefully lighting upgrades to Biocube won't take too much DIY skill :(...I could always go topless down the road if need be!
Ha...I will spare everyone that sight...once I get my tank up and cycling you will be bombarded with pics borderline ad-nauseum ;o) Here is a pic from the Iceland collection I call Larry David's head...maybe on these boards it would be more towards brain coral? You can scroll up a bit for the whole album!
Well, go figure...I order everything I wanted to and naturally my invoice reveals that the actually tank is backordered until 7/14 haha. My luck :). I'll list what I ordered below...still curious about what testing kit I should get, ugh!
I ordered: Biocube 29, stand, biocube skimmer, maxijet 1200 w. 1600 upgrade, and JBJ ATO.
My stuff came in... still am gonna need to track down some live rock, but i hope to at least start putting things together this weekend!


I am jealous. I want to jump back into the hobby but right now I can not afford it. I plan on purchasing a bio-cube 29 by the end of summer so I can start this exciting hobby again. My first tank I rushed and then neglected then rushed then sold off. I made many mistakes. It was bittersweet. I learned a lot and now want a bio cube. It seems very easy and affordable. I am interested on how you set up yours and modifications.
Psycho...great icon :eek:). I purchased a pre-modded hood with the 4.36 (i think) nano tuners mod which is being shipped. A few things here and there, I will let you know and take pics once everything is up and (almost) running. The Dude Abides.


Where did you purchase your Bio-Cube? Also, how was it delivered? UPS or Tractor and trailer. Yeah I saw your name and thought White Russian immediately.
oh, i got it from a member on here because he was going topless (ehem). sells the modding kit, and I think they may even sell full aquarium setups with the pre-modded hoods.
Hmm...maybe I'll have to move into the chronicle now? Kinda forgot to take pictures in the boring stages, but stocked up on R/O water from WalMart. The looks were priceless lmao! Gonna need some more live rock, but at least it's a start.
The Wagons

The Trunk

Empty (hey, a bottle of goose is still there)


Cloudy with Night Lighting haha